外资(欧美) 1000-5000人 石油/化工/矿产/地质 机械/设备/重工
外资(欧美) 1000-5000人 石油/化工/矿产/地质 机械/设备/重工
全球电镀行业解决方案领军公司 安美特总部位于德国柏林,是全球领先专为通用五金电镀和印刷电路板生产行业提供先进、环保的化学药品、设备、技术服务的供应商。 关于安美特中国 安美特中国总部位于广州,占地八万平方米。此外在上海、南京、天津、温州及重庆设有分公司,并在上海及广州设立了规模庞大、设备先进的技术中心,用于示范、推广最新的产品和技术,宣传环保理念,及为员工及客户提供产品和技术方面的培训。 关于技术革新与市场合作 公司总部每年投入相等于营业额10%的资金作为研发用途与技术革新,每年推出诸多先进、环保的产品,为业界提供解决技术和环保方面难题的方案。国内外诸多知名一流印刷电路板生产厂及电镀厂均与安美特有深入合作。 领先的电镀解决方案 除电镀化学品生产外,公司在中国地区拥有完善的技术支持团队,覆盖省会以及诸多二三线城市。公司还拥有专业电镀设备事业部,生产专业电镀设备产品,拥有专业的机械人才团队。安美特能够从化学品,技术服务,实验检验,电镀设备等方面,为客户提供业界领先的电镀解决方案。 员工发展与福利 公司为员工提供专业、有效的培训课程;健康、安全、舒适的办公及生产环境;良好的发展空间及有竞争力的薪资及优厚的福利。公司为员工上下班安排有往返新塘、经济技术开发区西区、中山八路、番禺祈福、工业大道、黄埔大道、中山大道、广州大道的交通车。 招聘职位 现因业务发展迅速,特招聘所述职位。 我们会认真对待每一份资料。同时请应聘者认真阅读职位要求,谨慎发送个人简历。 特别说明 近来发现有不法份子假用我司名义在东莞地区招聘,从而骗取求职者财物,现郑重声明,我公司面试地点统一在广东省广州市经济技术开发区永和经济区新庄二路73号,同时,我们在招聘、联系面试、体检、以及入职培训过程中,绝不会向应聘者索取任何费用。还望求职者能够谨慎求职,如有问题应及时向当地公安机关联系。 Atotech provides specialty chemical processes and equipment for the printed circuit board, IC-substrate and semiconductor industries as well as the decorative and functional surface finishing industries. As one of the leading suppliers for specialty chemicals, we at Atotech have been shaping the future of our industry for 20 years: with our expertise, innovative ideas and approaches as well as our worldwide network of subsidiaries and industry partners, we think one step ahead at all times in order to come up with better solutions for our customers. Atotech has access to substantial resources and benefits from production, Research and Development as well as distribution synergies within this major company. With locations in more than 40 countries in all important industrial regions of the world, we are a truly international company employing more than 4,000 people around the globe. It's our employees worldwide who play an integral part in forming our company culture and contribute to our overall success. Come and join us. Be part of a diverse, vibrant and continually improving team. People for Tomorrow’s Solutions We are looking for people who seek tasks that are worth to work on. “Thinking outside the box” is not just a saying for us. We expect our employees to think creatively and to not be afraid to take the road less traveled. Innovations need passion. Come and join our team!